Harnessing the Power of Premack for Detection
- Harnessing the Power of Premack for Detection - $30.00
Q&A #9 (June 2023)
- Q&A #9 (June 2023) - $30.00
Hot to Trot: Harnessing Arousal in the Sport Detection Canine
- Hot to Trot: Harnessing Arousal in the Sport Detection Canine - $30.00
Q and A #8 (May 2023)
- Q&A #8 (May 2023) - $30.00
Q&A Ford K9 #7
- Q&A Ford K9 #7 - $30.00
Ford K9 Detection Dog Q&A #3
- Ford K9 Detection Dog Q&A #3 - $30.00
Bullet Proof Your Detection
- Bullet Proof Your Detection - $75.00
Defensibility and K9 Record Keeping (Corporate)
- Defensibility and K9 Record Keeping (Corporate) - $12.00 – $20.00
Leash Handling (Corporate)
Q&A Ford K9 and Michael Ellis 2
- Q&A Ford K9 and Michael Ellis #2 - $30.00